




This is the first draft of our script, Georgia wrote out the first version and then sent it on to all of us, we then made any edits we saw fit.


As a group we deliberated over what location we would use during the shoot, we chose locations which were close by and had an easy time accessing by both ourselves as well as the actors, which meant that any re-visits were possible and within grasp. The furthest we had to travel was St Neots. which we would not be able to revisit without major planning.

The gang's hideout - The scout hut

Closet in which Hawke and Zoey converse

Cafe in which Hawke spies on gang members - Moore's Walk

The police station from which Hawke leaves - The old baldock police station

The final alley - Pepper Alley

Office corridor - School corridors

Times for filming

We made various tables when we were contacting actors so they knew where they were going for that weeks filming and when.

Times and dates made by myself with the supervision of the group for 22nd to the 24th of February

Emma's table for the next few days of filming

The group message for the final filming run, by this point we were a bit sick of retreating to the cold to re-film certain scenes.

Pictures from behind the scenes

Below are a number of images taken behind the scenes while filming

The photographs we used throughout the film

The cast and extras readying for the scout hut scenes

Bruise marks by Sophie for the closet scene in the scout hut

Emma's makeup by Sophie before the alleyway shoot

(Below are shots from Catherine)

Catherine, Emma and Georgia filming the establishing shot for the Cafe

Emma filming during the cafe shoot, on this particular day the entire group had hands on with filming.

Georgia filming in the cafe

James before the office shoot 

Catherine filming the office scenes

Discussing how the photos should be given to Dan

Rehearsing lines

Setting up the office establishing shot

Discussing positioning for the finale 

Recording Daniel's lines for the narration within the schools sound studio


Editing in the common room

Editing timelines from the start, middle and end.

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