
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
I feel my poster effectively portrays the mood and setting of the film by using a simple layout and muted colours, to lead the audience to question why the main character is shrouded with various other characters. I followed the conventions of a noir poster by having multiple characters in one poster, but also broke the conventions by having bold and sophisticated text, similar to how in our film noir we follow many conventions, but also break some in favour of other shot types and edits. The poster also raises questions as to why the character is in such a dark setting and why the characters around him look concerned or worried, raising and interest to see the film. 

Combined with the magazine article, the audience may seek a review of the film before paying money to see it, the magazine article does a good job of presenting the film to the audience and playing on the positives, while providing vital information as to why the plot is good as well as how the camerawork and editing is used to leave an impression. It lists a few characters and makes reference to another neo noir which is on the same double page spread, the blockbuster L.A Confidential. By comparing the short movie to the film it shows how it is worth seeing as it offers a similar experience but in a different package, something a noir watcher would appreciate. The film is given the second biggest spot on the double page spread, this is mainly due to it being a short movie and not being able to rival a film such as L.A Confidential. However the film is capable to attracting an audience and receiving good praise regardless. The magazine article also features a small "great if you love" section in similar fashion to total film magazine, placing similarities on the new short film that just came out that many people may not know about.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The comments received from my friends were mostly critical, after some discussions the general consensus was that the film overwise was fine, however these negatives that were pointed out were the most important problems. The comments I received were expected as we did come across difficulties when editing after discovering some shots did not work for continuity or for other reasons. As a result we had to cut quite a lot of dialogue, which meant that some scene are stopped abruptly mid speech to save time or avoid certain distractions or larger imperfections that would of otherwise been present.

Alongside this, we received lots of comments through facebook and comments on youtube. 

Amber noted how we followed the conventions of film noir but also neo noir, the overall reception from these posts were positive.

We received similar comments on youtube, however we also met some critical reception which helped out a lot in identifying what audiences prefer in films, Jumger actually caught something we had never noticed before, which Emma was able to fix immediately. I feel that the good reception on the gunshot effects was great as we have seen some student films in which the gunshot effects were very lacking or underwhelming. Phillip noted how the cuts were a bit abrupt, much like how my friends mentioned. incomingroflcopter provided some nice comments with which we were able to address a few issues.

Daryl provided some positive insight into the film, identifying the good points about the film and catching onto the conventions we made.

With this reception in future projects we would be able to plan around our time frame a bit better, ironing the major flaw in the film with sudden cuts, thus overall improving the quality of the film and maybe making less confusing to some.
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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